Gino D

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  • in reply to: EOSError after closing skinned ActiveX Form #55870
    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    Project2_TLB.pas doesn't exists, could you send me this file?

    The TLB file is auto-created when you import the activeX object into your (exe) project and will probably need to be restructured since it contains location-based information.

    Steps for Delphi XE6:

    First you need to register the .ocx file (command prompt (as administrator) > regsvr32 Project2.ocx)

    After this step, in the project of the EXE file delete the current Project2_TLB.pas from the project (project manager, right click, remove from project).

    Then go to the View tab > Registered Type Libraries and search for an entry with the same filename as the previously registered .ocx file.

    Select this entry and click on “Import”, check “Generate Component Wrappers”, click “Next” and finally click “Finish”.

    The steps may vary for other versions of Delphi, I remember that in Delphi 7, you needed to use “project” > “import type library” instead of “Registered type libraries”

    in reply to: Skin incompatible with new controls #55698
    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    Thank you for the demo.

    This error is fixed in the package v11.20 (will be released today).

    Thanks :a3:

    in reply to: Alphablending does not seem to work in the latest version #55415
    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    I can't repeat the issue with your code.

    Can you give me a demo, please?

    Test application (Delphi XE6)

    [attachment=7825:Bugs New]

    There's also a problem with the TransparentColor property of a skinned form, I've added a test in the same application.

    in reply to: How to change the line thickness of a TsTrackbar? #55269
    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    Thank you, I see it now.

    This issue is solved in the version 11, you can try it.

    Next version (11.1) will be named as stable, I think.

    Thank you, I think I'll wait for the stable version then, any idea when it will be released?

    in reply to: How to change the line thickness of a TsTrackbar? #55266
    Gino D

    The trackbar keeps using the default skinsection after applying the new one until the skin is deactivated and reactivated.

    I've created a test application to demonstrate (Compiled with Delphi XE6):

    [attachment=7766:Trackbar Skinsection]

    in reply to: How to change the line thickness of a TsTrackbar? #55262
    Gino D

    Ok, this worked, thank you, but for some reason I can't change the skinsection of the trackbar at runtime.

    The new skinsection only applies after I set the skinmanager to Active = False and then to True again?

    PS. How do you enable the 'Trackbar Data' tab in the skineditor for a custom made skinsection, now I have to use the 'Manual Edit' mode to set the bitmap images.

    in reply to: TsPanel BevelOuter bug #55257
    Gino D

    Oh I see, i was not aware of this functionality, thank you for the clarification 🙂

    in reply to: Repaint behaviour TsEdit #55214
    Gino D

    Any news on this subject so far? Or maybe a workaround?

    in reply to: Repaint behaviour TsEdit #55120
    Gino D

    Oops, added the same one twice, sorry! (The internal skin named 'padplast' has the correct behaviour)

    in reply to: Repaint behaviour TsEdit #55147
    Gino D

    I can recreate the problem on another pc which doesn't have a touchscreen, so I don't think that's the problem. I've tested it on 2 Windows 10 pc's and 1 Windows 7 Embedded and they all show the same behaviour. In my test application a second form is shown after you click on the edit and while this form is running code the text disappears from the edit.

    I just noticed that if you close the second form, the edit starts to paint normally again, maybe this is why you don't see the problem? Instead of closing it, just minimize the form and click on the edit again, you should see the text in the edit disappear.

    Gino D

    That is very strange, didn't notice that… I've just reinstalled version 10.29, did a rebuild and strangely enough the problem seems to be gone now. The compiled DLL is bigger now too. Perhaps something went wrong during the installation of the alphacontrols the first time or it was some kind of compiler error, maybe a corrupt .dcu? I did create multiple test applications that day so I am certain that the DLL in the attachment was compiled with the sCombobox unit. If the problem occurs again i'll try to get you some more information.

    in reply to: Repaint behaviour TsEdit #55130
    Gino D

    There was no custom font applied to the control, the only difference was in the fontcolor of the 'EDIT' skinsection in the skin itself.

    Sample application: []

    Gino D

    I added a dll and an exe in my first post, you need both to recreate the problem. The Exe was built with Delphi 7 and the dll with Delphi XE6, so i suspect it's related to the difference in how the string types are handled in each version, but i'm not sure.

    Gino D

    I'm afraid that will be impossible, that system is not connected to any network (it's part of an automated pressbrake system).

    However, we can run test applications and take screenshots for you?

    in reply to: TsSlider: Rounded thumb #55067
    Gino D

    Great customer service! Thank you very much!

    in reply to: TsSlider: Rounded thumb #55038
    Gino D

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: TsSlider Orientation #55006
    Gino D

    Thank you! This was the solution for me, I was not aware that the property 'ThumbSection' had been introduced (was working with an older version).

    in reply to: TsSlider Orientation #54566
    Gino D

    To further illustrate:

    – I used the background bitmap to create a vertical line


    – Because horizontal sliders use the same bitmap, the line stays vertical, resulting in this:


    – If i could set a second bitmap for horizontal sliders, i would be able to use a horizontal line as well:


    in reply to: TsSlider Orientation #54565
    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:

    Hello! Sorry for a delay.

    You can add your new section with custom name and specify this section in the sSlider1.SkinData.SkinSection property.

    You tried this way?

    Thank you for your reply!

    I am aware of this, but the TsSlider seems to be an exception where you don't have one skinsection, but multiple fixed-name skinsections for each part of the slider (the thumb's states and the slider's states: SLIDER_ON, SLIDER_OFF, THUMB_ON, THUMB_OFF). What I need would be something like sSlider1.ThumbOn.SkinData.SkinSection, sSlider1.sliderOn.SkinData.SkinSection, sSlider1.ThumbOff.SkinData.SkinSection and sSlider1.sliderOff.SkinData.SkinSection, which currently doesn't appear to be possible at design time…

    in reply to: SetWindowRgn problem #54220
    Gino D
    'Support' wrote:


    If you want to avoid a handling of this form by skin-engine – change the Form1.Tag property to 256. And Remove the TsSkinProvider component.

    I hope it helps.

    Thank you very much, that solved the problem! 🙂

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