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  • in reply to: TsTrackbar does not use correct skin #59263

    Thank you! Now it works as I expected.

    in reply to: TsTrackbar does not use correct skin #59250

    Hi again,

    are the changes already contained in release 14.18?

    in reply to: TsTrackbar does not use correct skin #59203

    Thank you for your help. I will wait for the next release 🙂

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54349

    Thank you, the problem is solved now 🙂

    in reply to: TsCombobox display-bug #54376

    In the demo-application: The bug with invisible text is vanished but the Bug that “Item 0” and “Item 1” are shown at the same time can still be reproduced. Can you please check again? Thank you 🙂

    In my “real” application both bugs are still present 🙁

    Only when I set sSkinManager1.Effects.AllowAnimation to false, the problem is fixed. I do not want to change any property as I do not know if it affects other parts of the application.

    in reply to: TsCombobox display-bug #54344

    Thank you! I will wait for a stable solution for this problem 🙂

    in reply to: TsCombobox display-bug #54334

    How to skin the parent controls? By setting the Property SkinData.SkinSection of these controls? That did not solve the problem.

    Can you modify my demo-app such that the problems do not occur anymore?

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54296

    Ok, now I have good and bad news:

    I integrated AlphaControls 10.20 which fixed the bug with the TsTrackbar. Now, however, I have display-bugs with some panels.

    The properties in the dfm-file of one of these panels looks as follows:

    object pnlTest: TsPanel
    Left = 758
    Top = 0
    Width = 26
    Height = 132
    Margins.Left = 0
    Margins.Top = 0
    Margins.Right = 0
    Margins.Bottom = 0
    Align = alRight
    BevelEdges = []
    BevelOuter = bvNone
    Padding.Left = 7
    Padding.Top = 2
    Padding.Bottom = 2
    TabOrder = 2
    SkinData.SkinSection = 'BAR'

    The skin 'BAR' in Options.dat looks as follows:




    Am I doing something wrong? I tried to fix the problem by using TsPanel.Invalidate, .Repaint, .Refresh and .Update at the end of the FormResize-procedure.

    When I can reproduce the error, I will upload a demo-project.

    in reply to: TsCombobox display-bug #54294

    Hi again,

    I found another display-bug which can be tested with my demo-application:

    Add a timer (timer1) to Unit 1 and set the following timer procedure:

    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
    if sComboBox1.ItemIndex = 0 then
    sComboBox1.ItemIndex := 1
    sComboBox1.ItemIndex := 0;

    When the ItemIndex = 1 and you move the cursor from the combobox to the gray panel, then the itemindex is set to 0. This causes a display-bug in the combobox. “Item0” and “Item1” is shown at the same time.

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54275

    Ok, no problem. I can't reproduce it neither. If I get additional information or a demo-application, I will contact you again.

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54235

    Its position is horizontal.

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54198

    No, its not a mistake. I just simplified the skin as much as possible such that the error still occurs.

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54145

    I could still not reproduce the error 🙁 but I simplified the skin as much as possible. The skin-file is attached to this post.

    The behavior using this skin is now even worse: When I resize the form by dragging the form's border, the same exception as reported above is raised. However, applying the procedure written in the first post of this topic for maximizing/de-maximizing the form, the exception occurs only when maximizing the form (not when de-maximizing the form).

    Some additional notes:

    – The exception does not occur anymore when I remove section “FORM”, “BAR” or “PANEL” from the skin.

    – The critical TsTrackbar is placed on some panels, i. e. the structure looks like



    where some of the panels use skin-section “BAR” and some of them use skin-section “PANEL”.

    in reply to: TsTrackBar causes Exception #54129

    Unfortunately, I am not allowed to send you the dfm-file. I am still trying to reproduce the problem by a simple application but so far without success.

    I found out, that in the first line of procedure TsTrackBar.PaintThumb, the rectangle is set to (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) = (0, 0, 1, 1).

    Later, the local procedure ReturnToCache is called and from there the procedure Stretch. Here, the thrid and the fourth parameter are 1 (because of the width/height of the rectangle above). This causes the error in Stretch because in line 5975, ScanLine[1] is called. 1 is the height of the rectangle/bitmap and hence the exception will be raised from the Graphics unit.

    The question is now, why the rectangle has a width/height of only 1. So far, I could not find the reason.

    I will write you, if I have some more information for you.

    (I am using AlphaControls V10.18 and Delphi XE.)

    in reply to: New skin for TsTrackbar #54057


    I tried it again. Now it works well. Thank you again 🙂

    in reply to: New skin for TsTrackbar #54029

    I installed version 10.17. During design time the skin is shown correctly, but when I start the application, the skin is still taken from the “default” TRACKBAR-skin.

    The combobox-button is also taken from the “default” skin.

    Can you please check it again?

    Thank you very much.

    in reply to: New skin for TsTrackbar #53958

    Thank you, I will wait for it 🙂

    Meanwhile I found a quite similar bug concerning the TsCombobox: The Glyph (Skin for the Combobox-Button) is always taken from the “default”-combobox skin (see the demo project attached to this reply). Although the lower combobox in the demo-project uses a different skin with a different glyph compared to the upper combobox, both comboboxes show same combobox-button (the combobox-button of the lower combobox should be gray).

    in reply to: Button Position in TsComboBox #53918

    As I found out with your help, I used an old editor which did not offer this option. I downloaded the newest version of the editor. Now it works.

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Button Position in TsComboBox #53915

    As I do not know whether I am allowed to upload our skin, I send you a skin which contains only the relevant parts. I packed it together with an example project for you.

    Thank you for your help in advance 🙂

    in reply to: TsTitleBar Hints #53908

    Thank you, that worked.

    But there is another problem with the hint: The hint is separated from the cursor by around one cursor height. I would prefer the hint to be at or right beside the cursor position. Is there a possiblity to change properties like the position of the hint? For example, I also want the hint to instantaneously appear as the cursor enters the button. At the moment, there is a short time interval in which the hint does not show after entering the button and the hint does not show instantaneously. (I do not need a different skin for the hint).

    Is there a documentation beside the tutorial on the website where I can get some information about the hints if items of TsTitleBar?

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