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  • in reply to: Access Violation opening a project #58949
    'Support' wrote:

    I think, “Application.Initialize;” must be placed before creating of any forms.

    I will try that out. Thank you.

    'Support' wrote:

    Also, try to change a type of hidden form to TDataModule. This type is specially intended for such purposes, for placing of invisible components, TTimer, TImageList, etc…

    I tried that too, but TsSkinManager can not be placed on a TDataModule. So…

    'Support' wrote:

    Can you repeat the error in separate demo, which may be debugged?

    This problem only seems to become relevant, when you developed a project for a longer time, since i worked on that project for nearly a year now and never had that problem

    until recently.

    I also switched back to version 14.11. This reduced the exception messages to almost none.

    I blame these exceptions to a good degree on my rather old Delphi version, but it seems that the combination of my Delphi version and the 14.11 version of your components

    seem to work better on a Win10 installation.

    I already tried to test the error with an empty project, but had no success.

    So as long as it works, i have to finish the project first, as you may understand.

    I will message here again if i run into another “major problem” state and will exmamine this effect a bit deeper.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Getting the main colors from SkinManager #54279

    Forget my question.

    I just realised i have the source-code. Lol.


    in reply to: [10.17] Unwanted line within TsTreeViewEx #54030


    i was away the last few days.

    Here is a screenshot of the problem.

    As i said earlier, this line is only visible, if the parent-form is active.



    in reply to: [10.14] How to for a skinchanger form with preview #53841

    Wow, didn´t notice that one.

    That is exactly what i was looking for.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: SkinData.Skinsection not an Dropdownlist anymore #53836

    I have the same problem. Maybe it interferes with some other component-packs editor. Didnt look to far into it, but that is my top guess.

    in reply to: Total crash, Alpha controls no longer usable #53333

    Thanks for the info.

    I can work with 9.20 for the time beeing.

    Looking forward for the update.

    in reply to: [FIXED] TsSpeedbutton – no redraw on change of caption #53328
    'Support' wrote:

    Hello! This issue will be resolved in the nearest release, thank you for the demo.

    Your welcome.

    Actualy this issue seems to be fixed with the 10.03 update.

    Many thanks for that.

    in reply to: Window state problem on start up #53119
    'ozok' wrote:

    Thanks for the tip, it indeed stopped blinking. I hope you can reproduce that problem because it is so annoying.

    PS. I've just installed 9.20 but skinmanager still show version as 9.19.

    Just remove the components-package from the palette and reinstall the dpr files again. That should work.

    in reply to: User ThumbGlyph Transparente in TsTrackBar #53065
    'aballiva' wrote:

    Yesterday, I was trying to use a Bitmap Glyph, to replace the Standard Thumb, but I want to use a “transparent” image.

    I Don't know how is the correct image format, or what property of component need to use.

    What do you mean with “Standard Thumb”?

    In which component do you want to use a bitmap glyph?

    If you want to use images with buttons:

    The easiest way to use transparent images is using a TAlphaImageList (under AlphaTools) and

    adding PNG-images to the list.

    Now you can use a TsBitBtn, which you can connect by setting the property “Images” to

    the TAlphaImageList. With the ImageIndex you can choose what image to show on the button.

    in reply to: TsAlphaImageList Clear/Delete doesnt work for me #52682

    It works for me if i do the following:

    a) Delete all indexes and items:


    😎 Add the amount of items i want to be in the list with a dummy-picture:

    for i:=0 to sl.count-1 do
    with TsImgListItem(imgLstBlocks.Items.Add) do
    ImageFormat := ifPNG;
    PixelFormat := pf32bit;

    c) Delete all indexes and items again:


    d) Now i can load my images into the list and everything works as expected.

    I found something funny.

    1) Drop a imagelist onto your form.

    2) Load some icons in designtime to the list, say 5.

    3) Try to delete and load more then 5 icons at runtime, lets say 10.

    4) The last step wont work. But you can see that at least 5 icons were loaded, the last 5 icons

    you tried loading are missing.

    That lead to the steps a) to c) i mentioned above.

    in reply to: Dropdown button without split #52494
    'Support' wrote:

    Try the TsSpeedButton component with ButtonStyle property defined to tbsDropDown

    That works perfectly. Many thanks.

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