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I figured it out and it works 🙂 I could not believe it.
Is it the way i have to do from now on, or would an alignment property be added to the lookupcombobox later on?
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:After DblClick on DataSet in design-time you will see a collection window where may be placed and configured all data fields from this dataset.
There you can set Alignment property for each field of the table.
i figured it out but now i am getting database error when the program starts. let me work on it..
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Sorry, I meant a Lookup Field from DataSet, you can set alignment of text there (in the dataset fields property editor).
I opened both listsource dataset and datasource dataset and i do not see any alignment field. Sorry.
Maybe you have a screenshot? I use nexusdb as my database.
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:You should use lookup Field.Alignment, like in standard component. Please, try to set it in the field.
Maybe i am a numb nut but the only thing i see is align. And that has the option to alclient, alnone, alleft…
Am i supposed to do that with code or in the component property?
for example, in the dbdataedit, i do have an alignment property but it does not show up in the dblookupcombobox.
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Yes, just replace the file and rebuild your application.
I replaced it, rebuild the db dpk and rebuild my application. I do not see any new property that would let me center the text in the dblookupcombobox.
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello!
Try this changed unit, please.
thanks, i will try it today and will post the result…i assume, i do not have to recompile the dpk, i just need to replace the unit. is that correct?
PierrotscParticipant'mol' wrote:uses
on your scanning form?
Thanks…That did it.
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello
You can disable a skinning of dialogs by this code: sSkinManager1.SkinningRules := sSkinManager1.SkinningRules – [srThirdParty]
Enable: sSkinManager1.SkinningRules := sSkinManager1.SkinningRules + [srThirdParty]
Write again if it doesn't helps.
The scanning form is not on the main form so i have to use mainform.skinmanager.skinningrules to point it to the right thing. Now i get a red line under srthirdparty. What code do i need to write to point it to the skinmanager on the mainform?
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello Peter
This feature may be implemented later, I think
thank you..
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello! This property has been published, but drawing of aligned text has been cancelled temporary for some reasons.
This property will work as expected soon, but with active skins only .
Thank you. What do you mean with active skins only? When i place a combobox, it is skinned.
PierrotscParticipant'Pierrotsc' wrote:When i select the text to be centered on a combobox (Alignment tacenter), the text is still left justified.
Version 9.18
Never heard back. Is that normal or is it a bug..Starting to use back alphacontrols and not sure if i can center the text in a combobox.
PierrotscParticipantWhat about “Progressbar.visible := false !!!” Just found that in my code. Now i really feel dumb.
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello!
Can you show a demo, please?
Going to be tough as I have a lot of code and I know something is conflicting somewhere. If I create a new app and put a progressbar on it, it works fine. Let me troubleshoot more.
PierrotscParticipantThat is indeed a very good suggestion. I did not think about it. Let me try that. Thanks
PierrotscParticipantNot really. If i change the skin to checkbox, the groupbox has no border but you can still see its background sticking out on the top of the panel. I do not mind having the groupbox borders, i just want the panel to fill it completely.
Right now, it does not look “Clean”. The border only shows on the top and not on all around.
Do you see what I mean? Can you duplicate it?
Maybe it is intended to be like that 🙂
PierrotscParticipantHere, i just created a new form, dropped a groupbox and a panel inside. You can see it in the design that it does not fill the whole groupbox.
here's the text:
object Form1: TForm1
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'Form1'
ClientHeight = 347
ClientWidth = 535
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object sGroupBox1: TsGroupBox
Left = 128
Top = 104
Width = 185
Height = 177
TabOrder = 0
SkinData.SkinSection = 'GROUPBOX'
object sPanel1: TsPanel
Left = 2
Top = 15
Width = 181
Height = 160
Align = alClient
Caption = 'sPanel1'
TabOrder = 0
SkinData.SkinSection = 'PANEL'
ExplicitLeft = 40
ExplicitTop = 88
ExplicitWidth = 185
ExplicitHeight = 41
object sSkinProvider: TsSkinProvider
AddedTitle.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
AddedTitle.Font.Color = clNone
AddedTitle.Font.Height = -11
AddedTitle.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
AddedTitle.Font.Style = []
DrawNonClientArea = False
SkinData.SkinSection = 'FORM'
TitleButtons =
Left = 136
Top = 40
PierrotscParticipantI may remove some components before I give you the dfm as it is pretty large.
I have a snotebook.
Inside the snotebook page, I have a devexpress layoutcontrol form to keep the component groupbox centered in the middle of the page.
the snotebook is skinned, so is the groupbox.
Let me try to see what happen without the devexpress layoutcontrol.
I'll get back in a few..
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Could you show a screenshot, please?
Sure…here you go..[attachment=6565:groupbox.PNG]
PierrotscParticipant'Support' wrote:Hello!
Try disable the TsSkinProvider.DrawNonClientArea property. That's what you want, I think.
Perfect, just what I needed…Thanks a lot..