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Yes, this is a trick one using D2007.
I create a dynamic form haveing a pagecontrol with the second page active & checkbox & memo as disabled.
But the checkbox is drawn as active.
Then I change to page 3 and go back again to page 2.
Now both disabled components checkbox & memo are drawn as disabled.
Just using the TsCheckbox will fix the issue….
widmhParticipantCurrently, I just replaced the system menu with a simple popup. Without haveing a drop down arrow!
The issue is also, how to deal with the F10 menu activation / deactivation.
procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsMessage(var Msg: tagMSG; var Handled: Boolean);
Case Msg.Message Of
WM_NCLButtonDown :
If Screen.ActiveForm = Self Then Begin
If Msg.wParam = HTSYSMENU Then Begin
SystemPopupMenu.Popup (Left + 6, Top + 26);
Handled := True;
Else Inherited;
as I mentioned the TBX tool (given with TBX within the tbxlibTools path) works like a charm and creates backup files too.. O:)
see attached using the partial config file..
'Hamilton' wrote:If you have hundreds of forms then you may want to pursue why the conversion isn't working but if you want a solution….. Good luck!
widmhParticipantHi Hamilton
first the issues with the 7.66 current version:
– pure TB2K undocking docking crashes within the alpha controls
– using TBX or SPTBX undocking docking is possible but lets :
1) the undocking title not redrawn
2) on docking the undocking window is still present
see the 2 attached using SPTBX
in other words TB2K crashes (a no go) and TBX & SPTBX has undocking /undocking issues.
My basic idea is to have a specific alpha control TBX-theme and calls to the alpha controls skin engine. Also some fixes on the alpha controls
to deal with the docking undocking loop (sould not that complicate at all) and to deal with the floating window (draw as a skined alpha form).
In other words to support TBX & SPTBX should be possible (not a big cake).
I use TBX while SPTBX had on the beginning some issues and I was happy. While I use TBX within a plugin frame work with dynamic load & runtime docking of toolbar's & menu structures onto the main form.
'Hamilton' wrote:I was avoiding answering this as I don't have time to test it but with no official reply I thought I'd just suggest that TBX has it's own skinning engine that is almost certainly interfering with the way AC controls are drawn. I haven't used TBX for a few years so I don't remember if the control component allows the skinning to be disabled – if it does you should start with that.
I'm surprised you're still using TBX btw, I thought everyone had switched to the sp library these days. Legacy app? IMO you're better off migrating to pure AC controls if you're able as TBX has not been supported for years.