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  • in reply to: Please implement TsCategoryPanelGroup #59572
    'Hamilton' wrote:


    The attached file replaces the file of the same name in my previous post.

    * To get the scroll bar skinned you need to go into the SkinManager and add TacCategoryPanelGroup to the ThirdParty list with type ScrollControl. There is probably a nicer way of doing this by registering the control in code, hopefully someone can suggest how this is done.

    * I fixed the issue with the chevron hot color by using either GetHighLightFontColor(False), GetActiveEditFontColor or GetActiveEditColor to contrast GetHighLightFontColor(True) which is the default color for the header and chevron. I checked with all skins and it seems that the color combinations do not clash but ideally you'd want a color that guaranteed a contrast. If anyone has suggestions how this might be more safely implemented I'll look into that, but for now this works.

    So where does that leave us? If you register the aceCategoryPanelGroup control in acExtras or another package and add TacCategoryPanelGroup as a third party skinned control then you should have a control that will be automatically skinned without requiring any code on your forms. This may also form a useful template for other VCL and third party controls that need a skinned appearance without requiring a full implementation (which would have gradients, fancy borders, mouse and other animation effects, etc)



    I can not download the file .. could you please repost ?

    in reply to: Please implement TsCategoryPanelGroup #59571
    'Support' wrote:

    Thank you for the help! 🙂

    any chance thats these TsCategorypanelgroup become official on the component ?



    Dear Sergey,

    I have played with sDBLookupComboBox.pas file and These were what I have done.


    procedure TsDBLookupComboBox.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);

    I edit the line 470

    WM_NCPAINT: begin
    FCommonData.Invalidate(True); <— I added These
    PaintText; <– I added these

    And it seems it do the trick.. when I search using keyword by typing character and press enter the text update correctly at the edit box also

    when using mouse click .

    previously if do search by typing and mouse click the list box just closed but what ever shows on the edit box were not refreshed.

    please advise if these were already correct way to fix my issue in your opinion.

    funny thing is outside my project if i create new project with the sdblookupcombobox it doesnt how issue like the one in my project.


    'Support' wrote:


    I'm trying to repeat this problem in test-applications, but can't. Can you help me with that?

    What version of Delphi used?

    Im sorry sergey,

    I cant replicate it myself using dummy sample, but the issue exists in my current project for my office…I used XE5 embarcadero ,

    Let me know further how to help you as I dont know how to sent you part of the project (all the project were integrated one to another (tightly coupled)).

    meanwhile i'll chase down to manually put one by one invalidate across all dblookup component ..

    however I can replicate that when ever one form closed if i don't tick the extended border it will have an error .

    [attachment=7448:Testing component.rar]

    in reply to: Skinning of own components #38355
    'ralfiii' wrote:

    I've sent you my skype-ID via PM


    does the result on how to skinning TJVRollout not share-able ?

    in reply to: How to skin TWebBrowser ? #48810
    'Hamilton' wrote:

    The code for ResetColor lost it's formatting when I copied it into this thread; please refer to the formatted code for the same function at http://www.alphaskin&#8230;?showtopic=6544 instead.

    I play around with it and still dont get it on how to implement your script by making the twebbrowser descendant.

    by using the component it self the twebbrowser didnt exposed any color properties or font properties as this is an olecontrol .

    all i need is the frame got skinned and the scroll bar too i have try by adding it to the thirdparty and stated it as scrollcontrol but no luck .

    in reply to: Please implement TsCategoryPanelGroup #48809
    'Support' wrote:


    I think, you should try theTacFloatPanel component from AlphaExtra package.

    how to compile these extra under XE ?

    in reply to: How to skin TWebBrowser ? #48800
    'Hamilton' wrote:

    The code for ResetColor lost it's formatting when I copied it into this thread; please refer to the formatted code for the same function at http://www.alphaskin&#8230;?showtopic=6544 instead.

    ok will try that.. and get back to you when i got the result 😀

    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #48216
    'guyinwonder' wrote:


    tested with new version 7.63 , fastreport with mdichild type still didnt get skinned properly . . .

    when this problem can be solved ? any aproximate time ?

    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #48108
    'Support' wrote:

    Now I understand a problem, child forms can't be skinned automatically.

    I'll try find a solution, but I can't give a guarantee.


    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #48055

    any news on how to make fast report get skinned when set in mdi child ?

    in reply to: how to add transparent icon ? #47991
    'guyinwonder' wrote:

    I want to add transparant icon at button and other controls when attached at timagelist icon already shows transparant ..

    but at control it show black as the background..

    any idea on how to make it transparant ?

    ok i got it now.. it have to use talphaimagelist .. just ignore my question please.. ty

    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #47932

    another test shows up if the frxreport set as mdichild then it won't get skinned.

    if set as normal form then it skinned perfectly .

    (you can set as mdichild at frxreport option)

    in reply to: Memory Leak #47931
    'emailaya' wrote:

    I'm using AC760, here is the entry from the FASTMM report:

    A memory block has been leaked. The size is: 36

    This block was allocated by thread 0xC90, and the stack trace (return addresses) at the time was:




    4A783E [DB.pas][DB][DB.TWideStringField.GetValue][5264]





    516D80 [Controls.pas][Controls][Controls.TWinControl.WndProc][9336]

    61248B [sSkinManager.pas][sSkinManager][sSkinManager.TsSkinManager.IsValidSkinIndex][1753]

    5CC587 [sPanel.pas][sPanel][sPanel.TsPanel.WndProc][507]

    The block is currently used for an object of class: UnicodeString

    The allocation number is: 1725449

    Current memory dump of 256 bytes starting at pointer address 7EA4DE30:

    B0 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 52 00 65 00 63 00 79 00 63 00 6C 00 65 00 20 00 62 00 69 00

    6E 00 00 00 1D 3C E3 CE 00 00 00 00 51 DC A4 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    0C 94 01 00 46 34 40 00 2F 80 40 00 30 76 40 00 28 9B 46 00 DD 9A 46 00 8E 88 48 00 20 74 48 00

    93 7E 48 00 12 77 48 00 51 76 48 00 9E 02 51 00 90 0C 00 00 90 0C 00 00 C9 61 40 00 CD 84 40 00

    15 84 40 00 53 4E 40 00 96 4D 40 00 11 53 40 00 D6 D8 4E 00 4E F4 48 00 44 F2 48 00 E4 FF 50 00

    9D 4D 40 00 1C 00 00 00 B0 04 02 00 D2 C2 A6 84 78 A1 D3 00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

    80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 2D 3D 59 7B 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 91 E4 A4 7E

    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 94 01 00 46 34 40 00 7F 4D 40 00 C6 52 40 00

    ° . . . . . . . . . . . R . e . c . y . c . l . e . . b . i .

    n . . . . < ד ־ . . . . Q  ₪ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” . . F 4 @ . / € @ . 0 v @ . ( › F .  š F . Ž ˆ H . t H . “ ~ H . . w H . Q v H . ž . Q . . . . . . . ֹ a @ . ֽ „ @ . . „ @ . S N @ . – M @ . . S @ . ײ ״ N . N פ H . D ע H . ה  P . M @ . . . . . ° . . . ׂ ֲ ¦ „ x ¡ ׃ . € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € – = Y { € € € € € € € € . . . . ‘ ה ₪ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ְ ” . . F 4 @ .  M @ . ֶ R @ .

    this leak caused by some of the unicode string or variable being used without proper initialization and finalization,

    on my case usually when i use record to store string data (which on 2010 above string considered as unicode and using string in record need to be initialized.)

    on your case it looks like u use some TDataset Decendant which later on the data you stored some where else without proper finalization.

    so in my opinion this leak is not caused by the SkinManager, but leak happened at somewhere else.

    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #47930
    'Support' wrote:


    Adding of 'TfrxRepor'is not required, form should be skinned automatically.

    The ThirdParty property may be used for a skinning of controls only.

    You have a problem with a skinning of report preview still?

    yes .. the fast report preview page didn't get skinned using standard skin provided

    in reply to: Changing Form Caption not redraw controls #47898
    'Schlickmann' wrote:


    When changing form caption on button event or TDataset.AfterScroll the grid is not redraw.

    I get this behavior with TDBGrid, but can be simulated with TStringGrid as included project sample.

    I am using version 7.60

    I am available for any additional information.

    Best Regards,


    Have you Try TsDBGrid ? did it produce the same error or not ?

    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #47888
    'Witcher' wrote:

    Perhaps problem in different case in component names.

    ThirdParty list is a case sensitive!

    In your post before you wrote: “frxfastreport”. Be sure that in your code this component have type named TfrxReport, i.e.

    frxfastreport : TfrxReport;

    but not

    frxfastreport : tfrxreport;

    I am following your post previously

    select Fast/Quick Report package item and press “<<" button

    so the TfrxReport by default was not registered ( as per template it didn't included TfrxRepot ) so if i have to include TfrxReport what type should i put for this TfrxReport ?

    as per name it was default when we drop it at form .

    in reply to: what should i add for fastreport support get skinned ? #47884
    'Witcher' wrote:


    Look for ThirdParty property in TsSkinManager component. In property editor just select Fast/Quick Report package item and press “<<" button to add this package in skinned controls list. Thats all.

    alread did that but it seems when i stated frxfastreport.ShowReport; the form preview didnt get skin.. what todo next ?

    in reply to: TDateTimePicker bug #47880
    'Support' wrote:

    TsDateEdit is not an analog of TDateTimePicker component.

    Or you mean something other?

    I think what he mean when we click tDateTimePicker the drop down didn't get skinned only the frame of the edit box that got skinned(we set it as edit) as for the triangle button didn't get skin too, I got the same behavior too since all component got skin this triangle and drop down didn't get skinned make very obvious flaw at customer eye.

    are there any way to rectify this behavior?

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