Forum Replies Created
Hi Hamilton,
sorry, I have not seen your second last post in this thread!
I tested it with continuous blue color for all effects and I think it should be changed.
CheshireCatParticipantHi wesley bobato,
I use this package together with alpha controls. Can you explain exactly your problem for me, maybe I can find a solution. Your demo has no event handler for accepted dragging files, so it is difficult to realizing what you want to tell us with the demo π
CheshireCatParticipantHello Oconnel,
sorry, I have not tested the code before. You can try to set the canvas brush color to global skin color, but it works not for all skins and there is no clean solution.
CheshireCatParticipantHello Oconnel,
try this code:
Code:procedure TForm2.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
end;CheshireCatParticipantHello Oconnel,
you can use the following workaround until a solution was found by Serge.
Code:procedure TForm1.mi_CopyFileAdvancedDrawItem(Sender: TObject;
ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
bmp: TBitmap;
ACanvas.FillRect(ARect) ;//zeichne text/draw text
ACanvas.TextRect(ARect, 40 + ARect.Left, 10 + ARect.Top, mi_CopyFile.Caption) ;//zeichne Bitmap aus ImageList/draw bitmap from imagelist
bmp := TBitmap.Create;
menuImages.GetBitmap(mi_CopyFile.ImageIndex, bmp) ;
ACanvas.Draw(ARect.Top, ARect.Left, bmp) ;
end;The example is based on a 32×32 pixel imagelist.
CheshireCatParticipantHi Hamilton,
currently I work for a new skin, but Subway is updated first.
I hope you like it π
CheshireCatParticipantHello DelphiX,
try this patched file, it should solve your problems π
CheshireCatParticipantHello IPSteven,
try this patched file, it should solve your problems π
CheshireCatParticipantHello Hamilton,
Many thanks for your detailed opinion, I appreciate this and read carefully what you've written. I develop multimedia applications mainly and I have black box adapted specifically for such applications. Black box is a typical multimedia skin. If I have an idea for a new skin I trying to combine colors that go well with each other. I think black box has a nice combination of dark colors and a bright orange, but that's a matter of taste. Basically, Iβm ready to improve all my skins if desired and can add mouse-over-effects for other elements, if Serge has no objection.
CheshireCatParticipantHello DarrenB,
you can try the following options:
- disable the debugger by unchecking “Integrated debugger” option box in the Tools/Debugger options
- disable the “Stop on Delphi exception” option box in the Tools/Debugger Options on the “Language Exceptions” page
- try to find your default settings where this dialog won't be appear. Try to toggle “Use Debug DCUs” option, for example
- add the alpha package to the search path
I hope these settings might help you π
CheshireCatParticipantHello DarrenB,
maybe you have compiled the alpha package without debug info? In the project management settings you can change it from release to debug and then recompile the package.
CheshireCatParticipantHello Josef,
you have added the install path to the search path? This option can be found under Tools -> Options and Delphi-Options -> Library.
CheshireCatParticipantVery useful for all delphi2007 user :a3:
CheshireCatParticipantHave you tried a new project without any code?
CheshireCatParticipantHello dhwz2001,
when you press the right mousebutton, tsEdit will show the default context menu, or do you mean a menu with skin?
CheshireCatParticipantMany thx π
CheshireCatParticipantMy workaround would look like this:
Code:procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
tmpList: TStringList;
i: integer;
mItem: TMenuItem;
tmpList := TStringList.Create;
tmpList.Sorted := True;for i := 0 to sSkinManager1.InternalSkins.Count – 1 do
tmpList.Add(sSkinManager1.InternalSkins.Items.Name);for i := 0 to tmpList.Count – 1 do
mItem := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
mItem.Caption := tmpList;
end;Best regards
If your application compiles without internal skins, the folder with all or selected skins must be added to the installer.
Here an example for Inno Setup:
// zusΓ€tzliche Skins installieren
Source: “C:UserDelphi_ProjectsYour_Appskins*”; DestDir: “{app}Skins”; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirsIn the OnCreate event you can set the correct path to the skin folder:
Code:procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
aPath: string;
aPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName));
sSkinManager1.SkinDirectory := aPath + 'Skins'
Best regards
CheshireCatParticipantHello dhwz2001,
internal skins is a TCollectionItem class and cannot be sorted by default. Maybe you can take a TsListBox or TStringList to show and save the internal skins.
For example:
Code:procedure TForm1.sButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
sListBox1.Items.Clear; // clear the list
sListBox1.Sorted := True; // alphabetical order// add internal skins to the list
for i := 0 to sSkinManager1.InternalSkins.Count – 1 do
Best regards