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  • in reply to: Discolored icons #54127

    I have not explained my wish correctly. Disabled icons are normally displayed in blended mode. I think the “discolored” communicates disabled much better than blended. There it would be nice if I could direct the menu and toolbar buttons to use discolored painting rather than blended or grayed.

    The discolored glyphs property just discolors when the mouse is not over a control and allows color only when the mouse is over the control.

    in reply to: PNG Not Rendering Properly in FastReports Preview #53342

    Your suggestion as fixed this issue. You may consider the case closed. As usual, thank you for the fine controls and your support.

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: PNG Not Rendering Properly in FastReports Preview #53334

    Your graphic was not displaying because you used the same Picture control as the original without removing the file link. I have fixed this and used a relative path for calling my logo so that you can see the problem. This logo is intended to be replaced by the customer logo. Therefore it is not practical form me to embed it in each report.

    in reply to: PNG Not Rendering Properly in FastReports Preview #53312

    Please send me the source for the video and I will look at it.

    in reply to: PNG Not Rendering Properly in FastReports Preview #53185

    Hello dhwz2001,

    I guess we have different problems because my graphics are 32-bit /with alpha Channel.

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: PNG Not Rendering Properly in FastReports Preview #53176

    Hello Serge,

    Just an update I have tested the following with FR 5.2.7:

    • Delphi XE7 + AC 9.20, PNGs do not render properly
    • Delphi XE7 + AC 9.15, PNGs do render properly

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: PNG Not Rendering Properly in FastReports Preview #53113

    Hello Serge,

    I am currently using FR4.15.4. I intend to move to version 5.2. I cannot explain the behavior you are seeing. Ultimately, I intend to use XE7 and FR 5.2. Just as soon as I have a chance, I will prepare the same demo for the newer versions. For the moment this is not critical because I can continue to use AC 9.15. I am hoping to make the transition to XE7 and FR5.2 by 6-15-2015, but I still have a number of XE7 issues to resolve.

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: FastReport Designer Screen #49962

    Hello Serge,

    Version 8.15 resolved all issues with TScrollBox. Thank you, I can now use the beautiful dark skins.

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: FastReport Designer Screen #49736

    Hi Serge,

    This is not a critical problem but the dark skins look so good that it is a shame not to be able to use them. Any ideas?

    Best Regards,


    in reply to: Bug in sToolbar? #48684

    Thanks for the response.

    Yes the Customizable flag is set. I was finally able to get the dialog to open using SendMessage(TB_CUSTOMIZE, 0, 0). Hamilton, I am using Delphi XE. As you pointed out, once I got the dialog to open it is not properly dislayed out and is extremely buggy.

    This would be a nice feature but it is not worth the effort to implement it properly.

    Please consider this case closed.

    in reply to: CheckBox Glyph in TsDBGrid #48255

    Hello Serge,

    Here is a further update.

    The code for drawing the glyphs only work properly if the cell is not selected. When the cell is selected and the 'SELECTED' skin section drawn, many skins do not properly draw the glyph with transparency all the way around. The glyphs for the skinned check boxes do not appear to be consistently created in the skin files.

    Likewise, if the skin glyphs are used with alternate row coloring I found that the canvas.brush.color must be adjusted for both odd and even rows to assure that the dark color skins will render reasonably. For example:

    if IsRowEven then
    Brush.Color := MixColors(DefaultManager.GetGlobalColor,
    DefaultManager.GetGlobalFontColor, 0.8)
    Brush.Color := MixColors(DefaultManager.GetGlobalColor,
    DefaultManager.GetGlobalFontColor, 0.6);

    The bottom line is that I cannot find a way to use the skin glyphs for checkboxes in the TsDBGrid and have all the skins render selected and unselected cells with transparent glyphs. I can get most skins to tender properly but not all.

    For a universal solution for all skins I am now drawing checkboxes on the grid using the AlphaImageList and everything works perfectly. The only down side is that the grid checkboxes are not same style of the skin. This solution is OK for me and this case may still be considered closed. If however there is something I have overlooked because of my newness to Delphi, I would appreciate any advice or sample code that you may have to offer that would improve upon my solution.

    in reply to: CheckBox Glyph in TsDBGrid #48169

    Hello Serge,

    Thank you for the code corrections. my immediate problem is now solved. From my perspective, this topic can be closed.

    I would like to note that I intend to implement alternate row colors in the TsDBGrid and icons in the same cell as text. I can see already that I'm going to have some difficulty with this. However, I have not worked on it enough to clearly ask an intelligent question.

    If you happen to have some sample code, I would be most appreciative for any help you can offer. When I can ask a clear question I will post a new topic. Thank you very much for your help and your beautiful skins and controls. They're going to add a lot to my application.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: TMS TDBAdvGrid – Header Font Color #44568


    Thanks for the advice, this case is closed.


    in reply to: TMS TDBAdvGrid – Header Font Color #44526

    Hi Serge,

    I think I have a workaround that works for most skins. Is this a reasonably efficient way to do it?

    procedure TTrackPro.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    i : integer; // Loop Counter
    if sSkinManager1.Active then
    for i := 1 to DBAdvGrid1.ColCount – 1 do
    DBAdvGrid1.Columns.HeaderFont.Color :=
    DBAdvGrid1.Columns.HeaderFont.Style := [fsbold];

    Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions that you may have.

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