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  • in reply to: Complicated Buttons w/ Nested Components #41452

    Very cool.


    in reply to: Nested Forms & Transparency #41429

    Awesome, thanks! I know this probably seems like a weird request, but using nested child forms like this helps us keep our code cleaner and more modular, rather than having everything in one giant main form.

    in reply to: Complicated Buttons w/ Nested Components #41428

    I'm not sure what the new windows 7 buttons you're referring to are, so I've just attached a screenshot. Currently the icons below are speed buttons, but I'd like to make each panel below (text and all) a huge button.

    in reply to: Nested Forms & Transparency #41420

    After a bit more testing, there are still a few things with nested forms that don't appear to be working correctly. Hopefully a solution won't be too difficult. Refer to the screenshot:

    The middle area consists of a TsPanel (made transparent with a SkinSection of CHECKBOX) which serves as the Parent of my child TForm. This child form has an Alignment of alClient so it fills the entire parent panel, and it contains a TsSkinProvider component with a SkinSection property of CHECKBOX. This form also contains the TsPanel seen above (with a normal PANEL skin section) containing a button inside.

    As can be seen, the child panel doesn't appear like a normal panel would, at least for some of the more complex skins available with background images underlying the canvas of the form. The corners of the panel also look a little odd, though this is a minor complaint.

    in reply to: [6.52] Accessviolation when re-activating skins #41298

    Cool, thanks!

    in reply to: [6.52] Accessviolation when re-activating skins #41292

    I've got the same problem, just FYI.

    I'm resolving it for now using the suggested fix.

    in reply to: TsLabel && TsLabelFX – Caption Offset #41117

    Just so you can see what I'm talking about, I've posted a screenshot. I like using title styled labels in our forms, but currently I have to manually space out the captions by inserting spaces. Not a big deal either way, but I imagine it would be an easy and useful addition.

    in reply to: Nested Forms & Transparency #41094

    Also, I just tested nested forms, and it works great now. Thank you!

    By the way, what's the best skin section to use for transparency? Is CHECKBOX the best way to have panels be transparent? Would it make any sense to have a new skin section added simply called TRANSPARENT, or something like that? I ask because I use panels a lot to group a bunch of controls together and move them together in a much easier way. The controls in our forms often have to be dynamically resized or moved, and having transparent panels makes this much easier.

    That or you could maybe even just make a new component for grouping controls together. It could have properties like TPanel (Align, AutoSize, Margin, Padding, etc.) which are really useful, but it's always an invisible component. Just a thought!

    in reply to: Nested Forms & Transparency #41093

    I couldn't see an easy way to send you my sample project, so I've simply attached it to this post.

    I'm not sure why Grayed property wasn't working in my earlier form either, as it does seem to work in my sample program (but only when the button is Enabled). When the buttons are disabled, however, Grayed has no effect. For that matter, the dgBlended and dgGrayed properties don't seem to do anything either. Maybe there's a bug there?

    I love how the control blends out and goes gray when it's disabled, but I want to limit that behavior just to the glyph instead of the entire control.

    in reply to: TsListView Column Font Doesn't Match #41091

    Yes, the column header text now seems to match the Font properly.

    I'll keep looking for the ability to change Hint and form Title fonts in the future.

    in reply to: Nested Forms & Transparency #41007

    Here's another sample of what I'm talking about. Again, this doesn't happen with all skins, but a good percentage of them exhibit this behavior (the below is BlueGlass).

    Now, just to experiment, I tried using different settings for the 12 speed button controls below (I used TsSpeedButton). The six buttons on the left have the Grayed property set to true, and the six on the right have a Grayed of false. To further test how all of these properties work with each other, I set the top six to have the dgBlended, dgGrayed, and dkBlended options set. The bottom six have these same three options set and also the dkGrayed option is set.

    Now, you can see that the Grayed property has absolutely no effect, at least with the controls below. The six on the left look the same as the right. The only setting that actually causes the glyphs to properly appear grayed out is the dkGrayed option (enabled for the bottom six), but the unfortunate side effect is that the glyph area itself is also grayed. <img src="style_emoticons//unsure.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:???:” border=”0″ alt=”unsure.gif” />

    in reply to: TsListView Column Font Doesn't Match #41006

    Awesome, thanks for the quick response!

    The components and skins are beautiful, by the way.

    in reply to: TsListView Column Font Doesn't Match #40980

    On a related note, I also would like to change the font used to display skinned hints as well as the font for each form's skinned title. The font for these two items as well as the column headers I mentioned above seems to be Tahoma. Is this a global value that I can change somewhere (hopefully)?

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