Christopher Dely

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  • in reply to: Delphi Ribbon Controls? #42845
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jun 21 2010, 09:53 AM)
    Speed optimization is a main feature of the version 7 <img src="style_emoticons//smile.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:)” border=”0″ alt=”smile.gif” />
    I hope, applications will be drawn really faster.

    You are skipping my questions about roadmap and release date. <img src="style_emoticons//sad.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:(” border=”0″ alt=”sad.gif” />

    QUOTE (Support @ Jun 21 2010, 09:53 AM)
    “What is your main skin?”


    in reply to: Delphi Ribbon Controls? #42776
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jun 13 2010, 08:01 AM)
    I'm busy with the version 7 preparing now, ribbon control will be added later.

    What will be the new features of version 7? Do you have a roadmap, when will you release it?
    I think that you should focus on a stable release and speed optimazation. All other new features should come after.

    in reply to: Delphi Ribbon Controls? #42742
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Christopher Dely @ Jun 10 2010, 04:37 PM) Any progress on this?

    Do you have a roadmap of development tasks? A Wiki page of roadmap, timeline and bug tracking system would be great.

    A very good implementation of this:

    Almdev's BusinessSkinForm VCL already support the Ribbon interface

    in reply to: Delphi Ribbon Controls? #42741
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Oct 19 2009, 01:45 PM)
    I'm sorry, I can't say about terms because many other tasks are planned and question of ribbon skinning is not easy.

    Any progress on this?
    Do you have a roadmap of development tasks? A Wiki page of roadmap, timeline and bug tracking system would be great.
    A very good implementation of this:

    in reply to: Standard Dialog skinning displayed wrong #41660
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jan 27 2010, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Thank you!
    How can I call this dialog in the new project?

    Could you run our sample application (AC_Bug.exe)?
    There is a button with “Test Std Dialog” caption, just simply click on this button, and the dialog will be shown.

    in reply to: Standard Dialog skinning displayed wrong #41510
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jan 27 2010, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I'm sorry, iconv.dll is not found also…
    Could you upload sources of the demo?
    Thank you in advance.

    I attached the missing dlls.
    (These are statically linked to nlcapi3.dll)

    in reply to: Standard Dialog skinning displayed wrong #41445
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jan 14 2010, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Exe file don't work, the Libeay32_098i.dll is required. Could you upload this Dll also, please? Or maybe you can give a sources where I can see – how to call a dialog?

    Sorry, I attached the missing dll-s.

    in reply to: Delphi Ribbon Controls? #40728
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Oct 7 2009, 12:32 PM)
    This control can't be skinned by AlphaControls now, maybe later it's will be possible.

    When will you plan to support it (weeks, months, years)?

    in reply to: Thread support #40473
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Sep 14 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Three your messages was united to one topic because it's a one question.
    Question of multithreading support is not easy. Stable work is depended from purpose of threads creation, from implementing of calls and from other thing.
    I think that I must look your application and debug it before answering where is a cause of problem, I need more info.
    Could you show it by TeamViewer?

    PS. If you have a test-application where a problem exists, please send it too.

    Sorry, we don't have enough time to wait until you fix this bug. We started to work without AC in this project. (We need to finish this project on next week)
    Maybe, later we have enough time to help fixing this errors.

    in reply to: EDivByZero exception #40066
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 24 2009, 08:00 AM)
    Maybe, you can just try another skin <img src="style_emoticons//wink.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”;)” border=”0″ alt=”wink.gif” />

    <img src="style_emoticons//wacko.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:wacko:” border=”0″ alt=”wacko.gif” />
    What are the stable skins?

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 24 2009, 08:00 AM)
    One more question – who is a parent for this sBitBtn?

    The main form (TForm).

    in reply to: AlphaControls AV bug #40063
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 24 2009, 07:58 AM)
    Disabling of animation removes an error? Did you check it?

    Yes. But, please fix this bug.

    in reply to: System menu is not localized correctly #40062
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Christopher Dely @ Jul 21 2009, 05:08 PM)
    The system menu is not localized correctly. The “Available skins” sub menu contains the “internal” English word.


    in reply to: EDivByZero exception #40005
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 17 2009, 09:29 AM)
    What skin was used when error has occured?

    Good question, unfortunately I don't remember. It is a skin specific bug?

    in reply to: AlphaControls AV bug #40004
    Christopher Dely

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 17 2009, 09:22 AM)
    Hello Christopher

    Where you change it? By the button pressing or in other event?
    It will be great if you can show a demo with error..

    Problem will not occurs if disable skins changing animation in the SkinManager.AnimEffects property, but a cause of problem must be found in any case.

    We have an Options dialog, and a skin changing combobox. Also we have two radiobutton, one for skin mode selection and one for disable skinning (Windows theme mode). After the user clicks on the “OK” button, we are using TsSkinManager.Active property to enable/disable the skinning functionality. This error occurs at the property changing time. On the main form, we have a TsCheckListBox, and I think the exception occurred in that control (TsAlphaListBox.WMPrint).

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