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  • in reply to: AC's fading effects are very very slow #45054

    If anybody else experienced this problem – solution is in the skin. Don't use old skins with 7.X version.

    in reply to: Retro skins – Zune,WP7 #44164

    Looking forward to your reply! ^_^

    in reply to: Retro skins – Zune,WP7 #43213

    Hi, here is a link to Zune software 4 –> link.

    You can see all types of controls on that application, it's used to interefe the PC with Zune(microsoft's mp3 player), the mp3 player uses the same metro design.

    Some pictures from now:

    other software using metro:

    Browser skin:

    Mockups of IE9's UI. It is available as a skin for IE8.

    the icons:
    Concept of Metro skin and Icons you can find here in this pdf file. IT has many icons. Controls and effects you can find in the first application I wrote about(Zune software 4).

    The font used:

    I wrote a unit that bundles a font into the resources of an executable and initializes it on program execution.


    unit fontUtils;


    uses Classes,SysUtils,Windows;

    function InitFontMem(FResourceName:string):Cardinal;


    {$R ……MiscfontsFontRes.RES}

    function InitFontMem(FResourceName:string):Cardinal;
    var Res:TResourceStream;
        Lib1, FontCount1: Cardinal;
        AddFontMemResEx: function(
                                  PFontMem: Pointer; MemSize: Cardinal; PServed:
                                  Pointer; var FontCount: Cardinal
                                  ): THandle; stdcall;
      Result := 0;
      //Avoid exceptions.This api call is included in 2000++
      if(Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 5) then begin
        Lib1 := LoadLibrary('gdi32.dll');
        FontCount1 := 0;
        if Lib1 0 then
          AddFontMemResEx := GetProcAddress(Lib1, 'AddFontMemResourceEx');
          if(@AddFontMemResEx nil) then begin
            Res := TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, FResourceName, 'RT_FONT');
              if(Res.Size > 0) then
                Result := AddFontMemResEx(Res.Memory, Res.Size, nil, FontCount1);



    A res file is needed to compile that unit. Check the line “{$R ……MiscfontsFontRes.RES}”. I included the method I create res files with example font “Segoe UI”(This is the font they use) in the archive below Fonts.rar.

    The best sample you can use to copy it is in the Zune Software 4(the first link in this post), you can see there the effects. The style is called “Metro”. I hope I give you enough. It's the future skin for microsoft software, I hope AlphaSkins has it future.

    Please let me know what you think!!

    in reply to: Bug when closing window. #42955

    QUOTE (Support @ Jul 18 2010, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hello John
    What is your configuration?
    Could you show it on your PC?

    Don't worry, this happens only when running with debugger in IDE. Nothing to worry about. I found it a bit lately, but.

    in reply to: How to use Framebar? #42324

    Check the demo.

    in reply to: OnMinimize OnRestore animation #42314

    QUOTE (Support @ Mar 18 2010, 10:05 AM)
    I need some technical info that can't be found in the Net (for example – how to receive a bounds of task button where app must be minimized). I hope I will have it soon..

    If there is no info yet then skip that part.Use some fade-like effect similar to the one added in the 6.50 series on startup.It's not supposed to imitate Widnows Vista or 7 ,but rather replace the current one – it makes the form black and then disappear.

    in reply to: Glass skin #42267

    QUOTE (Torbins @ Apr 19 2010, 07:40 AM)
    We already had a discussion about that in russian part of the forum some time ago:

    But I'm not russian,I don't understand what is written there and that discussion is from 2007-2008.
    Is it possible,any plans in future? Please give more information.

    in reply to: Delphi 2007 + V. 6.60 + ExtendedBorders #42109

    QUOTE (prefont @ Apr 4 2010, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    My response was to you (JohnBank). I had just finished saying that “I have decided not to use Extended borders” when I got your reply insisting that “You must be interested”. Well, I am really not. I was offering to create the sample for the developer – but only if he was interested in pursuing it further.

    FYI I don't have a problem posting demos (see thread ” ExtendedBorders + Maximize button + V. 6.48 + D2007, Does not maximize”). However I am getting a little tired of having to “prove” there is a bug every time I report one…

    Sorry then.But put yourself on Serge's a place.If you don't know how to reproduce the bug – how are you going to fix it? I think the demos are used more for Serge to find the problem much faster than proving the problem itself.It's your decision after all.

    in reply to: Delphi 2007 + V. 6.60 + ExtendedBorders #42102

    QUOTE (prefont @ Apr 4 2010, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Thanks for such a valuable contribution…

    Serge asks you if you can make a demo.You reply 'if you're interested ,I can'.Why do you think he will ask you for demo if he has no interest?
    I don't understand why you react so sarcastic.

    in reply to: Delphi 2007 + V. 6.60 + ExtendedBorders #42028

    QUOTE (prefont @ Apr 2 2010, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    It is really not hard to duplicate. Any simple project in D2007 will do it.

    I have decided not to use Extended borders because they seem to be problematic, but if you are really interested in solving the problem I will create a simple demo app for you…

    You must be interested,not he.If you want to solve the problem then provide as much information as possible!

    in reply to: OnMinimize OnRestore animation #41915

    Any progress? <img src="style_emoticons//unsure.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:???:” border=”0″ alt=”unsure.gif” />

    in reply to: not enough timers #41544

    Using latest stable version – v6.48

    Unfortunately the project is very big and the bug – very hard to reproduce.

    It is important to say that after Serge wrote that reply, that error has reduced the times I've seen it.Before it was something very often,now very rare,but still shows.Please fix it!

    in reply to: TStringGrid not skinned #40606

    QUOTE (Luciano Aibar @ Sep 28 2009, 03:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    perhaps im not using the correct words
    i will try to say in a better way

    1) I got 3 PCs here: 2 with XP SP3 and 1 with XP SP2
    2) I create a new C++ Builder 2010 project with just 2 things: TsSkinManager and TStringGrid
    3) I select a skin.. for example Topaz
    4) I compile and run in 2 PCs, both PCs with XP SP3 fully updated and the result is…

    Yes,that's better.I think the problem is in step 2.Why didn't you use TsSkinProvider?

    in reply to: TStringGrid not skinned #40595

    QUOTE (Luciano Aibar @ Sep 27 2009, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I tested the same .exe in XP SP2 and the header is skinned
    in reply to: AC new bug #40525

    QUOTE (Paulo César @ Sep 19 2009, 12:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I tested here now, AC 6.44 still bugged.

    How could it be bugged if I just told you that it's not AC's fault?
    Upload a demo.

    in reply to: AC new bug #40533

    QUOTE (Paulo Cйsar @ Sep 17 2009, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    If I use “SkinManager.ExtendedBorders := True; and press the maximize button, on the “WMP2008” skin, it bugs the window and the maximize button.

    Use AlphaControls 6.44.This bug was solved(confirmed by me).

    Side note: I don't see any difference when ExtendedBorders is true on WMP2008.This effect is better seen on other skins.

    in reply to: Frames not skinned #40532

    Call repaint/refresh/update/rearrange after you activate the skin.Should solve your problem.

    Off the record,why are you activating the skin on startup? It won't increase performance,just the opposite.
    If you'd like to add an option such as 'set skin off(remember when program is launched again)' then I suggest you set TsSkinManager.Active to true and set it to false at startup.But repaint must follow!

    in reply to: TsAlphaImageList with Skins turned off #40542

    QUOTE (Audreyn @ Sep 16 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    The control is any TsToolBar. Attached Print Screen of problem.

    Check how AlphaSkins demo is made.There is a toolbar and buttons using sAlphaImageList with transparent images.And make sure that you had activated the TsSkinManager your application is using(it appears you didn't from your picture).

    in reply to: TStringGrid not skinned #40541

    I checked it and it was skinned.Looks like a skin issue to me,use another skin or edit your current.Maybe it's not set to skin that component.

    in reply to: Improve skin performance in Alpha Skins v7. #40494

    QUOTE (Support @ Sep 14 2009, 02:58 PM)
    Yes, sGauge haven't changes in this version still.
    I'll try to optimize it soon.

    Please check the link below.It's a guide how to create a vista-like progressbar in C#.I tried it in C# and it doesn't use cpu at all.Maybe you can rip the animation part from there.

    Thanks again for support,hope it will be fixed soon! <img src="style_emoticons//wub.gif” style=”vertical-align:middle” emoid=”:wub:” border=”0″ alt=”wub.gif” />


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