Forum Replies Created
August 6, 2021 at 1:38 pm in reply to: DevExpress TcxDateEdit popup Calendar don’t have borders #70244
ParticipantI found the same problem in TcxCalcEdit too.
Please fix this too.
Thank You and Best Reards,
August 4, 2021 at 8:20 am in reply to: DevExpress TcxDateEdit popup Calendar don’t have borders #70236Giuseppe
ParticipantHi, is there any news about the mentioned problem?
Regards, giuseppe.
September 29, 2020 at 2:19 pm in reply to: [AC 15.16] Loading form with ReportBuilder freeze application #69700Giuseppe
ParticipantI solved it by inserting the TsSkinProvider component in the form.
Until version 15.12 it also worked without this component in the form.Best regards,
Participant'Support' wrote:I need to see it somehow, then I will know why it happens.
Can I connect via the TeamViewer tool and look it remotely?
Yes it is possible, pls contact me via mail …
Participant'Support' wrote:Thank you.
I have made a test-app, based on your form, but can't repeat a described issue there.
Maybe you can help to repeat the issue? Maybe some code should be added? Please check it.
I do not know what code to add …
This window is part of a very large project that includes about fifty MdiChild windows and all have the same problem, which I noticed occur with the latest updates …
How can we solve?
Participant'Support' wrote:Can you give me a Dfm-file for this form, please?
Attached …
ParticipantYes, it is.
Participant'Support' wrote:Hello
I have found a reason of the issue. This problem will be solved in the nearest release.
Thank you for the demo.
Ok, thankYou and regards.
Participant'Support' wrote:Hello
Can you show me the problem somehow?
I'm trying to repeat it in a test-app, but can't. Maybe I not quite understand the issue…
I sent You a sample directly by mail …
Participant'Support' wrote:I will research it.
Write me to and tell me your registered email address, please.
Tnks Serge,
I downloaded and installed v.11.26 and that's all right,
so I think the above problem has been introduced with v.12.xx.
By better checking out the problem, I noticed that moving the
MDIChild form also moves the caption image that appears for a
few milliseconds, and always the same distance from the MDIChild
form (So the fact that it appeared in the Caption of the parent
form, as explained Above, was just a case due to the position of
the MIDChild form).
I revert to 11.26.
Best regards,
Participant'Support' wrote:Hello! This form closing is delayed and not executed when animation of forms is enabled.
As a quick solution, you can disable sSkinManager1.Effects.AllowAnimation property before printing and enable it later again.
Form will be closed as expected in this way.
Well, I'll try,
but this will be fixed in future versions?
Participant'Giuseppe' wrote:I have a problem with ReportBuilder v.17.01.
When I print, the cancel dialog never disappear, at the end of print …
If I disable AC skin, everything goes well.
Pls check this annoying issue.
To be more precise, if SkinningRules.srStdForms := False, it works.
Participant'Kujo' wrote:Hello,
I have the same problem, but with all the dialogs; here there is an example about the PrintDialog.
Ok, me too have problem with all dialogs…
Version v10.22 is ok.
ParticipantThank You very much, it works !
Participant'Giuseppe' wrote:If I make a new project everything is ok!
This happend only in existing projects, but in this projects
everything gos well till Alphaskins v. 8.30, form Alphaslins v.8.31
in advance I get strange behaviour in my existing projects,
only with 3 components: Tcxlabel, TsCheckBox and TsRadioButton…
So I cant't reproduce the problem and I can't send You code or exe
of my existing projects (It works on my internal servers …),
so the only way is to log the AlphaSkins code, I think.
I installed v.8.34 and regards TcxLabel problem, It seems that is solved.
Regards problems with TsCheckBox and TsRadioButton I discover that if I set
the property .skindata.customcolor := True and setting .color = to form background
color, the behaviour is ok…
Pls let me know.
Participant'Support' wrote:Maybe this situation is depended from used skin?
Can you try to make a demo?
If I make a new project everything is ok!
This happend only in existing projects, but in this projects
everything gos well till Alphaskins v. 8.30, form Alphaslins v.8.31
in advance I get strange behaviour in my existing projects,
only with 3 components: Tcxlabel, TsCheckBox and TsRadioButton…
So I cant't reproduce the problem and I can't send You code or exe
of my existing projects (It works on my internal servers …),
so the only way is to log the AlphaSkins code, I think.
Participant'Support' wrote:Thank you for the file, but I can't reproduce it still, unfortunately.
Maybe you can make a little demo with such problem?
It's strange… In my main application this wrong behavour happend,
in a new application it's regular.
Did You hava a way to log Your components? I see in the code the
directive LOGGED, but if I enable it same units is missing…
In meanwhile I tryed to solve the problem putting cxLabel inside
TsGroupBox (I found that also TsChecBox and TsRadioButton have
painting problem in my application, solved putting them inside
a TsGroupBox), in this way the behaviour is ok, but the problem
is only circumvented, not solved …
Participant'Support' wrote:Hello Giuseppe
You mean that support of Devexpress is disabled in AlphaSkins on your PC?
Can you send me this Dfm please?
Yes, Devexpress is disabled in AlphaSkins.
Attached the Dfm
ParticipantOk, I prefer to wait for a new release (8.32?) and I will check again and inform You
regards any eventually exception…
Participant'CheshireCat' wrote:Hello Giuseppe,
the DFM works correctly (see image), but without a line of code is it difficult to help. What happens in OnCreate and OnActivate? A silent exception could be suppressed in these procedures and an error-free behavior is no longer guaranteed.
Ok, I see, but how to try to discover this eventually silent exceptions?