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  • in reply to: TsComboBoxEx How To… and Issues I'm having too #49801

    Hi Hamilton 🙂

    thanks ever so much for replying 🙂 Okay, so when you selected an image from the combobox on the right it correctly updated the one on the left? images and text both? It's just your screen shot only shows the 'initial' state of the project when it's ran so I can't be certain. Also it looks from the screen shot that there's no skin applied to the form there? (scrollbars, form background etc look unskinned?). Did you scroll the memo box down to get a full description of problem…*cough* sorry just double checking lol

    Thanks for taking the time to help. Here's what it looks like here. Perhaps I can't see the wood from the trees and have made an obvious error in coding…it happens lol


    Form when first run



    After about 2-5 seconds



    After making 2 changes to items in list, using images on right


    I have reuploaded demo…I had not linked click event of comboboxex2 properly….mentioned as an edit in first post, but now hopefully fixed.



    BTW Hamilton

    You code worked fine apart from the custom output paths for the project; once I removed those it compiled OK.

    Never uploaded demos before yesterday…how do I stop that from happening? I don't want anyone to have to edit anything to have to compile app.

    A silly question but in your screenshot…those pictures don't actually look like that there do they? The black outlines look horrible, here very smooth…was that just your paint package doing it?

    in reply to: OnMouseEnter event maybe becoming confused? #49800

    Hi Hamilton,

    got your demo. Thanks, confirmed behaviour here too. Never checked for the panel OnMove event being fired…nice add 😉


    in reply to: Having Problems with SkinSection = ToolBar #49799
    'Hamilton' wrote:

    What behaviour are you asking us to test Darren?

    Hi Hamilton,

    just set up a basic form as described, and set it's skinprovider/skindata/skinsection property to Toolbar. Run your app with the skins I've shown in the pics and do you see same behaviour? I understand that in reality, simply placing a panel with skinsection property ToolBar, and making this the size of the form's client area eradicates problem completely…just curious 🙂



    in reply to: PageControl Tab Menu #49793


    not sure what skin it is so couldn't test it here. I have included a little demo using AfterBurner and uploaded it as attachment…it seems to work fine on that skin anyway. Do you have 'SkinnedPopups' property in SkinManager set to true?

    Delphi XE, Vista 64 bit here.

    in reply to: TsClassSkinData ????? Help #49790


    I will try but I do not know exactly what you want to do…I ran your code on a form with 3 speed buttons but it did not seem to do anything so I am uncertain.

    in my app I sometimes use things like


    TempColor : TColor

    TempColor := formMainScreen.sSkinManager1.gd


    to get colors of items used in skins…can you adapt this?

    are you familiar with the FAQ entry on the main page which helped me a lot on this?


    Where can I get the information on a control color and its other characteristics, such as sBitBtn1?

    The TsSkinManager component has a specified gd : TsGeneralDataArray property, where each item is

    TsGeneralData = record

    ParentClass : string;

    ClassName : string;

    Color : TColor;

    FontColor : array [1..5] of integer;

    HotFontColor : array [1..5] of integer;

    ReservedBoolean : boolean;

    Transparency : integer;

    GradientPercent : integer;

    GradientData : string;

    GradientArray : TsGradArray;

    ImagePercent : integer;

    ShowFocus : boolean;

    FadingEnabled : boolean;

    FadingIntervalIn : integer;

    FadingIntervalOut : integer;

    FadingIterations : integer;

    HotColor : TColor;

    HotTransparency : integer;

    HotGradientPercent : integer;

    HotGradientData : string;

    HotGradientArray : TsGradArray;

    HotImagePercent : integer;


    Use SkinData.SkinIndex property to get access to the properties of a certain control.

    Below are a couple of examples of coloring in ordinary and active states:



    Besides, you can get information on a certain skin item, if the SkinIndex is not known. For this purpose use the following function – sSkinManager1.GetSkinIndex(SkinSection : string) : integer;

    The name of a required SkinSection is transferred into it as a parameter (all standard SkinSections are listed in the sSkinProp.pas file).

    hope it helps…not sure what u want to do yet 🙂

    in reply to: Failed Painting TPopupMenu #49787
    'wesley wrote:

    Hello Friend Found A failed Painting TPopupMenu

    He Not Paint Correctly List if You Have Many Items on the Menu

    Thanks For Reading

    Note Annex a Demo.


    got your demo…looks like the error is cos menu is too big (long) for screen….mind you I have monitor here set at 1024×768 so don't know if that's the problem or not. Try this method out…enclosed demo…let me know if you can run it ok will you?



    in reply to: Problem with Delphi XE Effect Hide MainForm #49784

    Hi Wesley,

    behaviour confirmed under Delphi XE, Vista 64bit. This is probably related to my problem


    I'm sure Serge is aware of this and will fix it soon 🙂

    Demo attached to prove behaviour. Please also note that when FormShow AnimEffects is activated, the FormHide when activated seems to prevent the FormShow effect from working again?

    Demo has timer to 'reshow' form after button is pressed. Show effect not activated after initial load…for atAero or atFade.

    in reply to: How do I close popup of TsDateEdit #49778
    'Support' wrote:

    Try this :

    if sDateEdit1.FPopupWindow nil then TForm(sDateEdit1.FPopupWindow).Close;

    Perfect, thanks 🙂

    in reply to: How do I close popup of TsDateEdit #49776

    Thankyou…as long as I know you can reproduce it I know you will fix it!

    Your temporary code fix did work in removing the popup in the situation I described, however when 'coming back' to the form (making it visible again) and clicking on the DateEdit icon again, I get an Access Violation. In any case this isn't a biggie right now will wait a fix 🙂

    I did this

    if assigned(form2.sDateEdit1.FPopupWindow) then


    in the form hide…don't know if the check for assigned is necessary.

    Happy New Year (a bit late, but still 🙂 )

    in reply to: BorderStyle = bsDialog on Mainform #49740

    Hi mol,

    thanks for the link…never knew about PmExplicit at all or what it did!…added it to my old app, it certainly didn't hurt anything, and tested it for a while…looks good so far will randomly test it out further over the next few days.

    Went here


    to further read up on it….it sounds like it's ideal as my 'problem' forms were all essentially 'floating tool windows'. Thanks v much 🙂

    in reply to: BorderStyle = bsDialog on Mainform #49737

    Hi ralfii,

    a while ago I had a similar problem that randomly a main form plus a couple of child forms (not AlphaSkins related) with AlwaysOnTop (fsStayOnTop) set would show issues similar to what you describe. It was driving me crazy as it didn't happen all the time…some times it wouldn't happen for a day of programming and then maybe only one or two times, then six times in a row etc….! I had a few timers working doing various stuff in the background. Didn't seem logical cos it wasn't consistent. Anyway, I just left it cos I couldn't figure it out…reading your post I see you mention that the child forms stay behind the main form even tho they shouldn't…until you click on the child form and the z order is resumed. I was just thinking if maybe during your form initialization process you could use delphi to simulate a mouse click to the child form programatically? This would, in theory, achieve what you have to do manually with the mouse…and if you hardcoded it into the parent form startup process then it should, in theory, get rid of the random effect? And in cases where the random effect didn't occur…a simulated mouse click to the child form shouldn't hurt the 'normal' process. I don't know…just firing an idea out there I guess it would need finessing.

    in reply to: TsTitleBar slight problem (Edit : Resolved : My Bad!) #49724
    'Support' wrote:


    How you defines a cursor over a non-client area?

    Can you show an example please?

    Hi Serge,

    thanks for getting back to me. I'm really sorry I didn't know that there was a 'problem' (a windows thing not alphaskins) setting mouse cursor over non client area….my bad! I've edited my original post to show this.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Source File Not Found (*ControlName*).pas #49244

    Hi Sascha 🙂

    tried those options but none of them worked…apart from the 'Use Debug DCUs' which I toggled on my apps…the downside to that was that every line entered the debugger mode…system dcu's and alphaskins dcu's…the exception dialog went away though! At the moment I can live with the problem…am buying myself AlphaSkins at Christmas for my present to myself so then I'll have the .pas files anyway lol! I figure somehow I have corrupted my settings in the Delphi compiler but I have tried every conceivable combination of toggles relating to it so cannot see what I've done wrong…when I buy the AlphaSkins I'll do a clean reinstall of Delphi itself and hopefully that will get rid of any issues I'm having. Just want to point out to others that this is a problem with my Delphi config and NOT an Alphaskin issue!:):):)

    Thanks for your efforts and suggestions, Sascha, I really appreciate them 🙂

    Best Wishes


    in reply to: Source File Not Found (*ControlName*).pas #49235

    Hi CheshireCat/Sasha 🙂

    many thanks for your reply. When I read it I thought you might be right and that my problem may have been solved but…

    1) Deleted all bpl and dcp files

    2) Deleted directory where I had unzipped files to.

    3) Unzipped v8.03 to directory

    4) Added directory to Library Path in Delphi

    5) Opened acntDelphiXE_r.dpk

    6) Went to Project/Options/Delphi Compiler/Compiling and changed 'Debug Information' to true. Compiled.

    7) Opened acntDelphiXE.dpk

    8) Went to Project/Options/Delphi Compiler/Compiling and changed 'Debug Information' to true. Installed.

    9) All packages installed okay. My program works as expected.

    except the problem is still there 🙁 F7 still causes the dialog box to be shown and program still defaults to CPU debug mode.

    I tried all possible combination of 6) and 8) with Debug Information set to true/false on each. Still no joy 🙁

    I also tried not changing any of them from my clean install as per the instructions in Install.txt

    Also tried changing the Build Configurations of each from 'Release' to 'Debug' then compiling/installing again same problem 🙁

    I also created a tiny app with SkinManager and SkinProvider on a clean form with one sLabel on it. In code I just did the lines

    sLabel1.left :=50;



    placed a breakpoint on the first line, ran the program, pressed F7 and got the dialog for sLabel.pas 🙁 So its not specific to my big app but a problem with my configuration…somehow I've screwed things up!!!


    in reply to: TsSpeedButton Glyph #49162

    Hi Jacek,

    I'm no expert so forgive me if I'm wrong…try using the TsAlphaImageList in AlphaTools instead of the TImageList…I use it all the time and it respects transparency perfectly for buttons as you describe them…reflected and all.

    in reply to: i did it once and i do it again #39329

    Totally agree with you…am constantly impressed by how far the team are prepared to go for their users. And the package just gets better and better. Well done all of you!!!! and like emailya said 'way to go!'

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