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  • in reply to: TsScrollBar flicker #56014

    Thanks for the screenshot Gregory.P.

    I'm still finding this a problem in 11.23, although it seems to happen less often when the form is first shown, but more often when the form is shown again.

    My app can have 50+ scroll bars at any time so this issue is quite important to me.

    I think the issue may also affect group boxes and possible other controls as well.

    in reply to: TsCheckbox and TsRadioButton problems using TntUnicode #48115

    Thanks Serge, that did fix the problem for this small demo project although it is not such a simple fix for a large project.

    I'm guessing that when using controls with charset set to DEFAULT_CHARSET then if the software is running on a PC running Russian Windows then it should also work.

    My concern is that I don't seem to have to do this for the rest of the components; only checkboxes and radio buttons.

    in reply to: TsPathDialog not Unicode compatible #48107

    I can also add the acPathDialog.PAS and DFM to the project to achieve the same thing. At least then I don't have to edit the Project1.RUS file every time I update the resource DLL/s.

    However, this still doesn't address the problem that the path dialog does not support unicode as shown below. The title and buttons all have Russian strings in the resource DLL but they are not shown since the acPathDialog code does not support WideStrings.

    Can this be fixed?





    Note: the project requires acPathDialog.pas (not included in zip file)

    in reply to: Unicode text truncated #47389

    Hi Serge. Thanks for that. The TsRadioGroup is now fixed.

    Please don't forget to fix the TsCheckbox and TsRadioButton components as well. (There may be others, I'm not sure.)


    in reply to: Tab Text not drawn (Unicode TsPagecontrol ) #47329

    I reported this in a previous post 'TabSheet captions disappear when TnTUnicode is enabled' on the 11th Nov. Serge said he'd fix it in the next release. I hope he does because it sort of kills my/our unicode applications!!!

    in reply to: Unicode text truncated #47327

    Hi Serge,

    I ran your exe and the text showed up in english. When I run my exe it comes up in Russian.

    Perhaps you need to set the active language to Russian in the IDE and recompile. ie. Project/Languages/Set Active… Russian (Russia).

    I have verified that I do have the TNTUNICODE key enabled and AlphaControls recompiled. If it's not then the unicode strings show up as '????????'.

    I have attached a zip file with a new demo which also includes a TsLabel, TsCheckbox and a TsRadioButton. In the zip file there are also two JPGs which show the resultant form with and without the TNTUNICODE key enabled.



    in reply to: TsPageControl refresh bug #40855

    Fixed. Thanks Serge.

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