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  • MTuttle

    Greetings Nagisa,

    Were you ever able to get this to work in Delphi 12? I was not able to get the install package to compile if I was trying to use DevExpress by uncommenting the following line. If I left it commented out, the package would compile and skins were applied to all but the DevExpress components..

    // << 3rdparty support start <<
    {$DEFINE DEVEX2011} // DevExpress, LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property must be False

    It appears that they do not work with the current version of the DevExpress components.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by MTuttle.
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    in reply to: Is Developing Continuing on these Components? #71820

    So a little more info. I use DevExpress components, so I uncommented this line in the file

    // << 3rdparty support start <<
    {$DEFINE DEVEX2011} // DevExpress, LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property must be False
    //{$DEFINE DEVEX6} // Old version of DevExpress components, earlier than v2011
    //{$DEFINE DEVEXHINTS} // Uncomment this line if you have conflicts between DevEx hints and AlphaHints
    //{$DEFINE USEPNG} // Support of TPngImageList from PngComponents
    //{$DEFINE TNTUNICODE} // Enable Unicode support by TntControls
    // >> 3rdparty support finish >>

    If I comment it out, then I can compile. But that defeats the purpose of buying thisd compoent if I cannot get it to work with DevExpress.

    Any Ideas?

    in reply to: Is Developing Continuing on these Components? #71818

    Greetings Cleverson,

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    I went ahead, purchased and installed it into Delphi 12.2. Installed fine and set library path.

    I also downloaded all skins.

    However, if I start a new project, drop a sSkinManager on my form, double clicked it, select one skin, made sure it was active and tried to compile the project, I get an error.

    [dcc32 Error] acLFPainter.pas(130): E2037 Declaration of ‘DrawBorder’ differs from previous declaration

    Any ideas?


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