Andy Bell

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  • in reply to: How to skin a dynamically created Popup-Menu? #71452
    Andy Bell

    You need to call this before displaying the menu:

    SkinManager1->SkinableMenus->HookPopupMenu(PopupMenu1, true);

    If you are dynamically creating the menu’s items in OnPopUp then add the code there. Otherwise, it probably will work in the form’s OnShow event…

    (This is C++ Builder code, but I’m sure the delphi equivalent will be easy enough to figure out)


    in reply to: Pray that the developers are still alive. #71130
    Andy Bell

    Me too – yet I have to authorise each renewal. Not every provider does it automatically.

    In any case, if the credit card is active and payment went through then someone is making payments to it. If payments stop then the credit card issuer is likely to decline further payments, aren’t they?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Andy Bell.
    in reply to: Can’t do a 64 bit compile in C++ Builder 11 #70732
    Andy Bell


    Thanks for the offer but I managed to build it on my home PC so can use the results from that. (I’m the same person as ABell_Thermco)

    Many thanks


    Andy Bell

    I ‘fixed’ it by editing the property out of ac3dNewClass.dfm

    Not sure if that’s a good fix, but it works for my BCB6 installation.


    in reply to: 16.10 Rollout Panels broken #70026
    Andy Bell

    Any ideas anyone?

    I can’t upgrade to V16 until this is resolved…


    in reply to: Scaling not working in C++ Builder 2007 Frames #70003
    Andy Bell


    I will try to create a small project and send to you. It’ll probably be next week as I’m tied up with a software release this week.

    I refactored my form to not use a frame, and it is now scaling ok.


    in reply to: AlphaHints does not work at all #69670
    Andy Bell


    Brilliant – it’s working now 🙂


    in reply to: AlphaHints does not work at all #69523
    Andy Bell


    Yes – it’s the TnTUnicode that is triggering the issues.

    I had to recompile AC without TnT support to make the problem go away.

    However, I need TnT support, so I guess there are two possibilities:

    1) I use the non-TNT version of AC and replace TsEdits (etc) with TTntEdits for fields that need Unicode support. My project is huge, so this is not trivial
    2) AC’s TnT support gets fixed…

    I prefer option 2 🙂


    in reply to: AlphaHints does not work at all #69465
    Andy Bell


    Demo project + executable attached.

    With the radio buttons set to On no hints appear.

    Click Off (which turns off TsAlphaHints) hints appear over the Radio Button control.

    (My Alpha Controls were build with the linker set to produce C++ builder info, but I don’t think that can cause the problem)

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    in reply to: V15.13 Does Not Skin TTntDBText controls in a DBCtrlGrid #69429
    Andy Bell


    That works for ImageEn.

    The TsDBCtrlGrid does not work well with TsDBCheckBox if the underlying dataset is changed.

    For example, if I change a Boolean field via a TTable Edit() + Post() the whole grid updates and EVERY checkbox is set or unset. If I click a different record then the correct values are displayed. I’ve tried calling Repaint() on the grid, but that does not work.

    Thankfully, the TTntDB… controls do behave properly, and skin properly, so I have a decent work around.

    This is with V15.15 and RadStudio 2007


    in reply to: AlphaHints does not work at all #69428
    Andy Bell

    Sorry – upgraded to 15.15 – same problems


    in reply to: AlphaHints does not work at all #69373
    Andy Bell

    I get the same problems in a Delphi 2007 project…

    The MegaDemo pre-compiled executable shows hints properly. I can’t rebuild it in Rad Studio 2007 so I can’t test it to see if it works ok when built in 2007…


    in reply to: Inconsistent Skinning of ListBoxes… #69304
    Andy Bell


    I will need to edit at runtime


    in reply to: V15.13 Does Not Skin TTntDBText controls in a DBCtrlGrid #69276
    Andy Bell

    The TsDBCtrlGrid (in 15.11, in any case) does not work properly – I’ve only just tried it…

    I have an ImageEn DB Image on the grid, attached to a database with images. The SAME image shows on each page of the grid. I think when the skinning happens, the image in the first ImageEnDBView is copied to all visible cells of the grid. The same seems to happen with the checkboxes – check the first box and they all display as checked…

    in reply to: Odd borders on bsDialog forms #69226
    Andy Bell

    This problem is now resolved. It only happens in the following circumstances:

    C++ Builder prior to v2010
    The compiled program running in Windows 7 or later
    The program linked with Ulink, using its default settings, OR linked with ilink32 with OS version set to V6

    The fix is to put -V5 in ulink’s configuration file. Then the dialog forms then display correctly.

    ilink32 defaults to OS V4 but Ulink defaults to V6. Changing it to V5 is sufficient to make the link correct.

    Why Alpha Skins in C++ Builder 2007 has this problem with the linker set to OS V6 isn’t clear and is probably not worth investigating, given the age of the tech and the very simple fix.


    in reply to: V15.13 Does Not Skin TTntDBText controls in a DBCtrlGrid #69220
    Andy Bell

    I’m finding more issues with Skinning on a TDBCtrlGrid, this time in 15.11:

    TDBCheckBox (and Alpha Controls DB Checkbox) ALL skin as Checked if ANY record is Checked. I can work around this by excluding TDBCheckBox from the 3rd party list, but the control is then not skinned at all.

    Skinning TDBCtrlPanel causes other controls on the grid to ‘cycle’ through all the values in the DataSet during the skinning process. I have, for example, a TTntDBText and I can see it scroll through the values during skinning.

    Skinning the TDBCtrlGrid causes other controls (such as a DB Check Box) to cycle through all the values during the skinning process…

    Some of the skins (i.e. Golden) have very odd backgrounds for the grid if it is skinned.

    As I workaround, I exclude both TDBCtrlGrid and TDBCtrlPanel from skinning and set its color manually. But then the scrollbar is not skinned.

    I think some work is needed on the TDBCtrlGrid skinning…


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Andy Bell.
    in reply to: Inconsistent Skinning of ListBoxes… #69194
    Andy Bell


    I’m still learning to use these things, please forgive my asking ‘obvious’ questions:

    ‘White color is defined in the skin by the ASkinEditor tool.’

    Where? I can’t find in the Skin editor a section for List Box backgrounds.

    ‘Color of elements in the custom skin may be changed to any other.’
    How? In the skin editor or at runtime?


    in reply to: Odd borders on bsDialog forms #69148
    Andy Bell


    Attached is a zip file with my project and .EXE

    Also attached is a video of what I see when I run it…

    However, I’ve just found out what the problem is… In my large projects often the BCB Linker cannot cope with their size and crashes. So I’ve been using the third party linker called ulink (available from as it’s faster and does not crash with huge projects.

    However, when I linked this demo with the regular linker, the borders displayed properly. Ulink must be doing something in the link that is causing this…

    I’ll ask them to look into it. Can you think of anything that might cause the problem?


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    in reply to: Odd borders on bsDialog forms #69132
    Andy Bell


    Everything is set to default for Windows 10. The above screenshot is of a message box created by ShowMessage(…)

    My screen resolution is full HD 1920×1080 with a scaling factor of 125% – the recommended factory settings…


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